So, with Easter now approaching (how is it April already?) I thought it'd be nice to give you a little freebie for an Easter embroidery project.
I love Daffodils, they're always so bright and cheerful and a sign that summer is on it way (at last), roll on wearing sandals, picnics in the park and BBQ's!
Anyhoo.... here is a lovely design to get embroidery on with whist stuffing your face with chocolate eggs (Cadbury's Caramel are my faves and probably my undoing!).
The example shown in the images is in a 3 inch embroidery hoop but the PDF pattern includes both the 3 and 6 inch template.
As you can see the whole design is stitched in Satin Stitch.
I tried to make the stitches radiate out from the center of each petal to give it a bit more realism.
The stamen is made up of some straight stitches with little French Knots on the end.
I split the embroidery thread into 3 strands for the most part though the stamen is stitched using just 2.
I'd love to see how you get on with the pattern, don't forget to post your pics on my Facebook Page or tag me @Ohsewbootiful on Instagram
To download the free daffodil embroidery pattern, click the image below...
You can find lots more floral embroidery kits and patterns by clicking on the image below...
Each kit contains full, illustrated stitch instructions, a how to guide and the pattern pre printed on to cotton fabric!
Free Delivery on orders over £50 (Yippee I hear you cry!)
1 comment
Love all your designs! You are so talented!